Classifying news from 20NewsGroup
In this notebook I train convolutional and recurrent neural networks to classify sequences. The sequences used are the result of vectorizing messages obtained from the 20NewsGroup dataset, which contains 20000 messages taken from 20 newsgroups.
In this article
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence, PackedSequence
from utils import get_data, get_embedding_index, train, TwentyNewsDataset, Vectorizer
import numpy as np
import os
import random
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
SEED = 29
Data preprocessing
texts, labels = get_data()
Downloading 20_newsgroups.tar.gz
Extracting 20_newsgroups.tar.gz
Reading files
The messages have several headers at the top. One of them is the category field which states the label of the observation. The label may also be present in other fields in the headers, namely Followup-to or Subject.
sample = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', '20_newsgroups',
"alt.atheism", "51198"), encoding="latin-1").read()
print(sample[890:1010]) # edit start and end indexes to see more text
> things which are eternal. Jesus is a subset of God. Therefore
>:> Jesus belongs to the set of things which are eter
When reading the files, any header with a mention of the corresponding label is thus removed. Furthermore, the Path and Xref headers and the headers that contain e-mail addresses are also removed.
The texts are split to form a training data set and a validation set.
I use train_test_split
to stratify the split and have a proportionate distribution of categories among both sets, and leave the last observation out of the training dataset to make a prediction for the sake of representation at the end.
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(texts[:-1], labels[:-1],
x_sample, y_sample = texts[-1], labels[-1]
category_index = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(sorted(set(y_train)))}
index_category = {category_index[k]: k for k in category_index.keys()}
y_train = [category_index[c] for c in y_train]
y_val = [category_index[c] for c in y_val]
OUTPUT_DIM = len(category_index)
I have written a vectorizer to transform the texts to sequences. The method is simple, first an object is instantiated, set in this case with a max length per sequence of 200 tokens and a maximum of 20000 tokens in the vocabulary.
Then the fit
method of the object takes the training array as an argument to form the vocabulary which will be used every time an array is passed to the transform
method. Transforming an array is tokenizing a string and vectorizing it mapping from the vocabulary.
The resulting arrays of sequences alongside with their corresponding target lists are then passed to TwentyNewsDataset
to instantiate two
objects, which will be used in the training of the neural nets.
# Text parameters
MAX_LEN = 200
VOCAB_SIZE = 20000
v = Vectorizer(max_len=MAX_LEN, n_words=VOCAB_SIZE, normalize=False)
x_train_vectorized = v.fit_transform(x_train)
x_val_vectorized = v.transform(x_val)
if v.max_len is None:
MAX_LEN = x_train_vectorized.size(1)
# The number of tokens is the total number of words in the vocabulary plus two
# additional characters: <pad> and <unk>
N_TOKENS = v.vocab_size
frame_train = TwentyNewsDataset(x_train_vectorized, torch.LongTensor(y_train))
frame_val = TwentyNewsDataset(x_val_vectorized, torch.LongTensor(y_val))
A lower overfitting to the training set, and thus higher validation accuracy, may be found increasing the maximum sequence length. For performance reasons I have set a relatively low length.
In this section four models are trained, two convolutional networks and two recurrent networks, using this functions.
All of the models implemented share a similar workflow, i.e., a multidimensional representation of the sequences, a process of learning high-level features in the data and a last phase of classifying the estimations.
For this reason I have written a simple class that I will instantiate in every model and which will gather the different modules to be used.
class TwentyNewsNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embedding, module, classifier, is_recurrent=False):
super(TwentyNewsNet, self).__init__()
self.embedding = embedding
self.module = module
self.classifier = classifier
self.is_recurrent = is_recurrent
self.pretrained_weights = pretrained_weights
modules = [x for x in self.modules() if isinstance(x, nn.Conv1d) | isinstance(x, nn.Conv2d) |
isinstance(x, nn.LSTM) | isinstance(x, nn.GRU) | isinstance(x, nn.Embedding) |
isinstance(x, nn.Linear)]
def forward(self, x):
if self.is_recurrent:
seq_lens, idx_sort = torch.LongTensor([seq for seq in
torch.sum((x > 0), dim=1)]).sort(0, descending=True)
idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)
x = x[idx_sort]
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.module(x, seq_lens, idx_unsort)
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.module(x)
return self.classifier(x)
def _init_wnb(self, *args):
init_range = 0.05
init_constant = 0
for module in args:
for name, param in module.named_parameters():
if 'weight' in name:
if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
# from_pretained embedding is frozen
if module.weight.requires_grad:
nn.init.uniform_(, -init_range, init_range)
elif 'bias' in name:
nn.init.constant_(, init_constant)
The following class will be used to apply a multidimensional transformation to the sequences in the forward pass. The backward pass will only alter the weights of the embeddings if these are not pre trained.
class Embedding(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim, dropout=0, pretrained_weights=None, is_permute=False):
super(Embedding, self).__init__()
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.is_permute = is_permute
if pretrained_weights is None:
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx=v.word_index[v.pad_token])
self.embedding = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(pretrained_weights, freeze=True)
def forward(self, x):
# (N, L) -> (N, L, H)
x = self.embedding((x))
x = self.dropout(x)
if self.is_permute:
# (N, L, H) -> (N, H, L)
return x.permute(0, 2, 1)
return x
As I use pretrained weights in one of the convolutional neural networks later, I download a GloVe index (822 MB) with all the weights and create a tensor with the shape (20002, 100) or (N_TOKENS
). In other words, a matrix with all the words in the vocabulary plus two special characters, and the corresponding 100 dimensions for each token.
If the GloVe index does not contain a token from the vocabulary, every dimension of that token will equal zero.
found, missed = 0, 0
missed_list = []
embeddings_index = get_embedding_index(GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM)
pretrained_weights = np.zeros(
(N_TOKENS, GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM)).astype("float32")
# pretrained_weights = np.random.uniform(
# -1, 1, (N_TOKENS, GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM)).astype("float32")
for idx, word in v.index_word.items():
embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word)
if embedding_vector is not None:
pretrained_weights[idx] = embedding_vector
found += 1
missed += 1
pretrained_weights = torch.from_numpy(pretrained_weights)
print("Found %d words. Missed %d." % (found, missed))
Found 18782 words. Missed 1220.
['<pad>', '<unk>', 'bhj', 'xterm', 'utexas', 'vnews', 'imho', 'openwindows']
More than 90% of the tokens have been assigned pretrained weights, some of the tokens that have not been found in the GloVe index are shown above.
I have defined two classifiers, one with one layer fully connected and another one with two. Both include a dropout argument to randomly zero out a percentage of the elements of the input tensor to the classifier.
class OneLayerClassifier(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, dropout=0, log_softmax=True):
super(OneLayerClassifier, self).__init__()
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.log_softmax = log_softmax
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.dropout(x)
if self.log_softmax:
# (N, Hin) -> (N, Hout)
return F.log_softmax(self.fc1(x), dim=1)
# (N, Hin) -> (N, Hout)
return self.fc1(x)
class TwoLayerClassifier(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, dropout=0, log_softmax=True):
super(TwoLayerClassifier, self).__init__()
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.log_softmax = log_softmax
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
# (N, Hin) -> (N, Hout)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = self.dropout(x)
if self.log_softmax:
# (N, Hin) -> (N, Hout)
return F.log_softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=1)
# (N, Hin) -> (N, Hout)
return self.fc2(x)
# parameters
params_data_loader = {'batch_size': 128, 'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': 2, 'drop_last': False}
Two simple models with convolutional networks are trained:
- the first version is a network with three one-dimension convolution layers with max pooling, which uses as input embeddings with pretrained weights of 100 dimensions, and which has a two-layer classifier in the output.
- the second version is a network with four 1-d convolution layers with max pooling, an input embedding layer of 128-d, and an output of a one-layer classifier.
I have set L2 regularization, and 50% and 40% dropout in every respective classifier to try to address an issue of overfitting the training set. This has a better result in the second convolutional network.
The hyperparameters are listed at the top of each respective notebook cell.
CNN v1
class CNNv1(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, channels, kernel_sizes, window_sizes):
super(CNNv1, self).__init__()
self.channels = channels
self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(input_dim, channels[0], kernel_sizes[0])
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool1d(window_sizes[0])
self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(channels[0], channels[1], kernel_sizes[1])
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool1d(window_sizes[1])
self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(channels[1], channels[2], kernel_sizes[2])
def forward(self, x):
# (N, H, Lin) -> (N, Cout, Lout)
x = self.pool1(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
# (N, Cin, Lin) -> (N, Cout, Lout)
x = self.pool2(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
# (N, Cin, Lin) -> (N, Cout)
return torch.max(F.relu(self.conv3(x)), 2).values
def input_dim(self):
return self.channels[-1]
# Model parameters
CHANNELS = [128, 128, 128]
KERNEL_SIZES = [5, 5, 5]
cnn_v1_embedding = Embedding(N_TOKENS, GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM, pretrained_weights=pretrained_weights,
cnn_v1_classifier = TwoLayerClassifier(
cnn_v1_module.input_dim(), HIDDEN_DIM, OUTPUT_DIM, DROPOUT)
cnn_v1 = TwentyNewsNet(cnn_v1_embedding, cnn_v1_module, cnn_v1_classifier)
# Training parameters
params_train = {'data_loader': {'batch_size': 128,
'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': 2, 'drop_last': False}}
params_train['epochs'] = 12
params_train['criterion'] = {'name': 'nll_loss'}
params_train['optimizer'] = {'name': 'Adam',
'config': {'lr': 1e-3, 'weight_decay': 1e-3}}
params_train['scheduler'] = {'name': 'ReduceLROnPlateau',
'config': {'factor': 0.75, 'min_lr': 5e-4, 'mode': 'max', 'patience': 0},
'step': {'metric': 'val_acc'}}
params_eval = {k: params_train['data_loader'][k]
for k in params_train['data_loader'].keys() if k != 'shuffle'}
train(cnn_v1, frame_train, frame_val, params_train, params_eval)
Epoch 1: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:28, _lr=0.001, acc=38.63, loss=1.7733, val_acc=36.3, val_loss=1.817
Epoch 2: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:28, _lr=0.001, acc=58.51, loss=1.2042, val_acc=54.38, val_loss=1.3056
Epoch 3: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:29, _lr=0.001, acc=66.71, loss=0.9462, val_acc=60.83, val_loss=1.1022
Epoch 4: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:30, _lr=0.001, acc=73.84, loss=0.7454, val_acc=66.08, val_loss=0.9699
Epoch 5: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:31, _lr=0.001, acc=78.12, loss=0.631, val_acc=68.3, val_loss=0.9247
Epoch 6: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:30, _lr=0.001, acc=83.99, loss=0.4739, val_acc=72.53, val_loss=0.821
Epoch 7: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:31, _lr=0.001, acc=81.81, loss=0.4913, val_acc=69.7, val_loss=0.9192
Epoch 8: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:32, _lr=0.00075, acc=89.92, loss=0.3059, val_acc=74.92, val_loss=0.7851
Epoch 9: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:31, _lr=0.00075, acc=92.07, loss=0.2449, val_acc=76.08, val_loss=0.7676
Epoch 10: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:30, _lr=0.00075, acc=94.09, loss=0.1993, val_acc=75.88, val_loss=0.7825
Epoch 11: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:33, _lr=0.0005625, acc=94.03, loss=0.1797, val_acc=76.4, val_loss=0.8119
Epoch 12: 100%|##########| 125/125 01:31, _lr=0.0005625, acc=96.32, loss=0.1277, val_acc=77.25, val_loss=0.810
CNN v2
class CNNv2(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, channel, kernel_sizes, max_len, is_batch_norm=False):
super(CNNv2, self).__init__()
self.convs = nn.ModuleList(
[nn.Conv1d(1, channel, (K, input_dim)) for K in kernel_sizes])
self.pools = nn.ModuleList(
[nn.MaxPool1d(self._conv_out_shape(conv, max_len)) for conv in self.convs])
def forward(self, x):
# [(N, L, H) -> (N, 1, L, H) -> (N, Cout, L, 1) -> (N, Cout, L) -> (N, Cout, 1) -> (N, Cout), ...]
x = [self.pools[i](F.relu(self.convs[i](x.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(3))).squeeze(2)
for i in range(len(self.convs))]
# (N, Cout) -> (N, Cout x len(self.convs))
return, 1)
def _conv_out_shape(self, conv, max_len):
return ((max_len + (2 * conv.padding[0]) - (conv.dilation[0] * (conv.kernel_size[0] - 1)) - 1) //
conv.stride[0]) + 1
# Model parameters
KERNEL_SIZES = [1, 2, 3, 4]
cnn_v2_embedding = Embedding(N_TOKENS, EMBEDDING_DIM, is_permute=False)
cnn_v2_classifier = OneLayerClassifier(
cnn_v2 = TwentyNewsNet(cnn_v2_embedding, cnn_v2_module, cnn_v2_classifier)
# Training parameters
params_train = {'data_loader': {'batch_size': 128,
'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': 2, 'drop_last': False}}
params_train['epochs'] = 12
params_train['criterion'] = {'name': 'nll_loss'}
params_train['optimizer'] = {'name': 'Adam',
'config': {'lr': 1e-3, 'weight_decay': 1e-3}}
params_train['scheduler'] = {'name': 'ReduceLROnPlateau',
'config': {'factor': 0.75, 'min_lr': 5e-4, 'mode': 'max', 'patience': 0},
'step': {'metric': 'val_acc'}}
params_eval = {k: params_train['data_loader'][k]
for k in params_train['data_loader'].keys() if k != 'shuffle'}
train(cnn_v2, frame_train, frame_val, params_train, params_eval)
Epoch 1: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:20, _lr=0.001, acc=49.1, loss=1.7303, val_acc=47.7, val_loss=1.762
Epoch 2: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:24, _lr=0.001, acc=72.45, loss=0.9756, val_acc=68.75, val_loss=1.071
Epoch 3: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:18, _lr=0.001, acc=78.88, loss=0.7288, val_acc=73.35, val_loss=0.8853
Epoch 4: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:21, _lr=0.001, acc=82.51, loss=0.616, val_acc=75.72, val_loss=0.8018
Epoch 5: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:18, _lr=0.001, acc=84.56, loss=0.5546, val_acc=76.8, val_loss=0.7622
Epoch 6: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:35, _lr=0.001, acc=85.92, loss=0.4984, val_acc=77.8, val_loss=0.731
Epoch 7: 100%|##########| 125/125 08:26, _lr=0.001, acc=86.81, loss=0.4582, val_acc=77.72, val_loss=0.7056
Epoch 8: 100%|##########| 125/125 07:55, _lr=0.00075, acc=87.84, loss=0.4268, val_acc=78.3, val_loss=0.6861
Epoch 9: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:44, _lr=0.00075, acc=88.78, loss=0.4105, val_acc=78.5, val_loss=0.6797
Epoch 10: 100%|##########| 125/125 05:31, _lr=0.00075, acc=89.21, loss=0.3928, val_acc=78.88, val_loss=0.67
Epoch 11: 100%|##########| 125/125 06:00, _lr=0.00075, acc=89.86, loss=0.3757, val_acc=78.83, val_loss=0.6616
Epoch 12: 100%|##########| 125/125 30:26, _lr=0.0005625, acc=90.34, loss=0.3605, val_acc=79.15, val_loss=0.647
Lastly, I have trained two recurrent neural networks:
One with a bidirectional one-layer LSTM and a self attention mechanism.
And another one with a bidirectional one-layer GRU and a self attention mechanism.
Both have an embedding layer of 128 dimensions and a one-layer classifier. However I have only set dropout in the LSTM.
We achieve a better validation accuracy with the recurrent networks, although there also appears to be a remarkable overfitting as we can see on the graphs below during the learning process.
class RNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, rnn_type='LSTM', n_layers=1, is_bidirectional=True,
super(RNN, self).__init__()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.is_bidirectional = is_bidirectional
self.is_batch_first = is_batch_first
self.num_directions = 2 if is_bidirectional else 1
if rnn_type in ['LSTM', 'GRU']:
self.rnn_type = rnn_type
self.rnn = getattr(nn, rnn_type)(input_dim, hidden_dim, n_layers, bidirectional=is_bidirectional,
raise ValueError("The rnn_type allowed are 'LSTM' and 'GRU'.")
self.attention = Attention(self.output_dim())
def forward(self, x, seq_lens, idx_unsort):
batch_size, total_length = x.size(0), x.size(1)
x = pack_padded_sequence(x, seq_lens, batch_first=self.is_batch_first)
x, _ = self.rnn(x)
x = pad_packed_sequence(
x, batch_first=self.is_batch_first, total_length=total_length)[0]
return self.attention(x[idx_unsort])
def output_dim(self):
return self.hidden_dim * self.num_directions
class Attention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_dim):
super(Attention, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, bias=False)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1, bias=False)
def forward(self, x):
# (N, L, Hin) -> (N, L, Hout)
energy = torch.tanh(self.fc1(x))
# (N, L, Hin) -> (N, L, 1)
energy = self.fc2(x)
# (N, L, 1) -> (N, L)
weights = F.softmax(energy.squeeze(-1), dim=1)
# (N, L, Hin) x (N, L, 1) -> (N, Hin)
return(x * weights.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(dim=1)
# Model parameters
lstm_v2_embedding = Embedding(N_TOKENS, EMBEDDING_DIM)
rnn_type='LSTM', is_bidirectional=True)
lstm_v2_classifier = OneLayerClassifier(
lstm_v2_module.output_dim(), OUTPUT_DIM, DROPOUT)
lstm = TwentyNewsNet(lstm_v2_embedding, lstm_v2_module,
lstm_v2_classifier, is_recurrent=True)
# Training parameters
params_train = {'data_loader': params_data_loader}
params_train['epochs'] = 8
params_train['criterion'] = {'name': 'nll_loss'}
params_train['optimizer'] = {'name': 'Adam',
'config': {'lr': 1.25e-3}}
params_train['scheduler'] = {'name': 'ReduceLROnPlateau',
'config': {'factor': 0.75, 'min_lr': 5e-4, 'mode': 'max', 'patience': 0},
'step': {'metric': 'val_acc'}}
params_eval = {k: params_train['data_loader'][k]
for k in params_train['data_loader'].keys() if k != 'shuffle'}
train(lstm, frame_train, frame_val, params_train, params_eval)
Epoch 1: 100%|##########| 125/125 25:52, _lr=0.00125, acc=22.64, loss=2.228, val_acc=21.27, val_loss=2.2657
Epoch 2: 100%|##########| 125/125 26:08, _lr=0.00125, acc=47.59, loss=1.4819, val_acc=43.17, val_loss=1.6091
Epoch 3: 100%|##########| 125/125 26:22, _lr=0.00125, acc=70.71, loss=0.9728, val_acc=63.15, val_loss=1.1498
Epoch 4: 100%|##########| 125/125 26:10, _lr=0.00125, acc=84.95, loss=0.5133, val_acc=75.17, val_loss=0.7902
Epoch 5: 100%|##########| 125/125 25:50, _lr=0.00125, acc=89.73, loss=0.3516, val_acc=77.9, val_loss=0.7519
Epoch 6: 100%|##########| 125/125 25:50, _lr=0.00125, acc=92.67, loss=0.2497, val_acc=80.6, val_loss=0.6365
Epoch 7: 100%|##########| 125/125 25:53, _lr=0.00125, acc=94.94, loss=0.1708, val_acc=81.12, val_loss=0.6142
Epoch 8: 100%|##########| 125/125 26:01, _lr=0.00125, acc=95.66, loss=0.1337, val_acc=81.45, val_loss=0.6344
# Model parameters
gru_embedding = Embedding(N_TOKENS, EMBEDDING_DIM, is_permute=False)
rnn_type='GRU', is_bidirectional=True)
gru_classifier = OneLayerClassifier(
gru_module.output_dim(), OUTPUT_DIM, DROPOUT)
gru = TwentyNewsNet(gru_embedding, gru_module,
gru_classifier, is_recurrent=True)
# Training parameters
params_train = {'data_loader': params_data_loader}
params_train['epochs'] = 6
params_train['criterion'] = {'name': 'nll_loss'}
params_train['optimizer'] = {'name': 'Adam',
'config': {'lr': 1e-3}}
params_train['scheduler'] = {'name': 'ReduceLROnPlateau',
'config': {'factor': 0.75, 'min_lr': 5e-4, 'mode': 'max', 'patience': 0},
'step': {'metric': 'val_acc'}}
params_eval = {k: params_train['data_loader'][k]
for k in params_train['data_loader'].keys() if k != 'shuffle'}
train(gru, frame_train, frame_val, params_train, params_eval)
Epoch 1: 100%|##########| 125/125 20:34, _lr=0.001, acc=36.02, loss=1.9454, val_acc=34.58, val_loss=1.9851
Epoch 2: 100%|##########| 125/125 20:39, _lr=0.001, acc=72.09, loss=0.8042, val_acc=65.38, val_loss=0.9818
Epoch 3: 100%|##########| 125/125 20:35, _lr=0.001, acc=87.88, loss=0.4229, val_acc=79.28, val_loss=0.6773
Epoch 4: 100%|##########| 125/125 22:06, _lr=0.001, acc=92.04, loss=0.276, val_acc=80.55, val_loss=0.6356
Epoch 5: 100%|##########| 125/125 21:56, _lr=0.001, acc=95.18, loss=0.1632, val_acc=81.85, val_loss=0.6045
Epoch 6: 100%|##########| 125/125 21:57, _lr=0.001, acc=96.73, loss=0.1048, val_acc=82.78, val_loss=0.5832
Increasing the regularization does not remedy this issue. Therefore, a solution could be to increase the length of the sequences.
We can see below the workflow used to make a single prediction:
def predict(model, data):
_, y_pred = torch.max(model(v.transform(data)), 1)
return index_category[y_pred.item()]
'Subject: Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is\nDate: 24 Apr 1993 14:03:44 -0700\nOrganization: EIT\nLines: 126\nNNTP-Posting-Host:\n\n>#>Ordinarily, it is also a *value* judgement, though it needn\'t be (one \n>#>could "do science" without believing it was worth a damn in any context, \n>#>though that hardly seems sensible).\n>#No, you\'re just overloading the word "value" again. It is an\n>#estimation of probability of correctness, not an estimation of "worth."\n>#Sh'
format_string = "{}{}"
print(format_string.format('Model'.ljust(10), 'Prediction'))
print(format_string.format('-----'.ljust(10), '----------'))
for model in zip(['CNN_v1', 'CNN_v2', 'LSTM', 'GRU'], [cnn_v1, cnn_v2, lstm, gru]):
y_pred = predict(model[1], [x_sample])
print(format_string.format(model[0].ljust(10), y_pred))
print("\nLabel: {}".format(y_sample))
Model Prediction
----- ----------
CNN_v1 alt.atheism
CNN_v2 talk.religion.misc
LSTM talk.religion.misc
GRU talk.religion.misc
Label: talk.religion.misc